You Don't Want Fop!
From TheKolWiki
Inside the Spectral Pickle Factory, you find a room full of vats. The vats contain various ichors, some seething, some not. You examine the non-seething ichors, until you find one that looks like it would work well as a pomade. You stick your hand in, grease your hair up, and go about your business.
The business of looking dapper, that is!
You gain 25 Roguishness. |
Occurs at The Spectral Pickle Factory.
- The title is a reference to the film O Brother, Where Art Thou?. George Clooney's character exclaims "Well I don't want Fop, goddammit! I'm a Dapper Dan man!" when shopping; 'Fop' and 'Dapper Dan' being competing brands of pomade.