You Don't Want Fop!

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You Don't Want Fop!
You Don't Want Fop!

Inside the Spectral Pickle Factory, you find a room full of vats. The vats contain various ichors, some seething, some not. You examine the non-seething ichors, until you find one that looks like it would work well as a pomade. You stick your hand in, grease your hair up, and go about your business.

The business of looking dapper, that is!

You gain 25 Smarm.

Occurs at The Spectral Pickle Factory.


  • The title is a reference to the film O Brother, Where Art Thou?. George Clooney's character exclaims "Well I don't want Fop, goddammit! I'm a Dapper Dan man!" when shopping; 'Fop' and 'Dapper Dan' being competing brands of pomade.