Yellow paisley oyster egg

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yellow paisley oyster egg
yellow paisley oyster egg

This is a hard-boiled oyster egg painted with a yellow paisley pattern. One time this guy named Lee asked this other guy why he always bet on yellow when playing roulette.

"It's simple. Yellow pays, Lee."

Then Lee beat the guy remorselessly for having made such a terrible, terrible joke.

Type: spleen item (awesome)
Toxicity: 1
Selling Price: 50 Meat.
Effect: Egg-headedness (20 Adventures)Mysticality +10%

(In-game plural: yellow paisley oyster eggs)
View metadata
Item number: 1078
Description ID: 338008986
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Cargo Cultist Shorts
What has it got in its pocketses? (pocket 313)
St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket (0-5)
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Oyster Egg Day
Locations vary by instance (with oyster basket equipped)

When Used

You think about the patterns on the egg, and how each tiny piece exhibits the structure of the whole in microcosm. At some point, the egg gets bored and wanders off.
Eggplain.gifYou acquire an effect: Egg-headedness
(duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 11-15 Wizardliness.
(You gain 1 Spleen.)



  • Previously, its use text was simply: You eat the yellow paisley oyster egg.


Slash.gif All common Oyster Eggs:
  Plastic Striped Paisley Polka-Dot
Black egg egg egg egg
Blue egg egg egg egg
Lavender egg egg egg egg
Mauve egg egg egg egg
Off-White egg egg egg egg
Puce egg egg egg egg
Red egg egg egg egg
Yellow egg egg egg egg


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