What Outfit?
From TheKolWiki
This content has been retired and is no longer available in game. |
What Outfit?
So... which would you like to see? An outfit made of space beast fur that gives you a space beast avatar, or an outfit made of space junk gear that gives you an illegal alien avatar?
The Alien! |
Thanks for your vote!
The Space Beast! |
Thanks for your vote!
Occurs when clicking "VOTE!" in The Crash Site of an Alien Spaceship From Space.
- Does not take a turn.
- Players could vote multiple times by ascending, as the choice adventure was flagged to be reset at rollover.
- This zone was a part of the May 24th 2014 Twitch Livestream World Event. It was a player poll that asked which outfit players would like to see. The Space Beast won, and resulted in the Space Beast Furs outfit.