Video games hot dog

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video games hot dog
video games hot dog

This is a digital hot dog of dubious quality.

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 3

(In-game plural not known - currently impossible to determine.)
View metadata
Item number: -103
Description ID: -103_food
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

VIP Lounge
Hot Dog Stand

When Consumed

Hotdog vg.gif
You eat the hot dog. There is a fanfare of tinny chiptunes, which startles you, causing you to drop little bits of the hot dog all over you.
AdventuresYou gain 12-14 Adventures.
Pixel3.gifYou acquire 2-3 red pixels
Pixel4.gifYou acquire 2-3 green pixels
Pixel5.gifYou acquire 2-3 blue pixels
Hotdog vg.gifYou acquire an effect: Video Game Hot Dog
(duration: 50 Adventures)
(You gain 3 Fullness.)


  • Consumed immediately upon purchase.
  • Requires 3 issues of GameInformPowerDailyPro magazine in the clan's stand to eat.
  • Only one fancy hot dog can be eaten per day.
    You aren't in the mood for any more fancy dogs today.
