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Welcome to Quelzie's Old CW's Clannie Guide!

This is a compilation of useful resources for our new clannies

Enjoy and please send any questions about this guide to me in game: Quelzie (#3549690)

I'm also a newbie and will try to help, or reach out to someone who knows better and learn too!


So you just joined our clan. We are happy to have you here!

If you want to hang out with us at our chat, just click on the clan chat tab. To open the tab at KoL chat, type: /listenon clan (or just /l clan)

Use the command !help at chat to see all the services provided by CWbot, the clan's chat bot.

To send a private message to other players, use /msg (Kol name), like this: /msg Quelzie

You may want to visit the Games channel for the generous prizes of the Anti-Raffles (AR): /listenon games

Also, join our Discord server


At our forum, you will find:

Welcome Wagon: meet the clannies and get full forum access.

Please kmail or message PeKaJe (#2138850) or djve (#2073084) to get access to the forum.

If you would like to make donations to Amicrobial (#1555212) for the newcomers' gifts, it'd be greatly appreciated. We like to pay forward when we can! More info here

Clan Policies: update your rank, get access to dungeons and learn how to use the clan stash.

Please kmail or message PeKaJe (#2138850) about basement dungeons access after following the steps in the forum post.

Clan Contests: join our monthly challenges

Useful Tools (tested on Windows OS)

KoLWiki is the best place to get information about everything KoL

KoLMafia really helps to organize the huge amount of resources in the game

TourGuide is a Mafia script that tracks quests and will help if you ever get stuck

To install both KoLMafia and TourGuide in your computer:

Install Java (version 17 or above recommended). Alternative source here.

Download the .jar file at Releases

Open KoLMafia, go to the Graphical CLI tab, paste and Enter this: git checkout loathers/tourguide Release

Use KoLMafia Updater to get the very frequent updates on Mafia's latest releases

Get KoLMafia Updater here and run it to login at Mafia everyday (you may need to install .Net Core to run the Updater)

Mafia has a lot of useful functions like ChIT (character panel relay override script), with information to help you play.

Clan Officers

Head Admin: Cyberdyne (#1709323), our clan holder

Clan Admissions and Rank Promotions: PeKaJe (#2138850)

Dungeon Management (Morgue Staff): busstop82 (#2790596), Cyberdyne (#1709323), Infopowerbroker (#2109704) and PeKaJe (#2138850)

Forum Admins: Cyberdyne (#1709323), de nisovan (#2073084) and Quelzie (#3549690).

CWbot Hosting, Management and Development: de nisovan (#2073084)

The Welcome Wagon is represented by Amicrobial (#1555212), managed by Queen Zo (#1216502) and UnusualScar (#2868593), managed by Quelzie (#3549690).

Have fun and don't hesitate to ask any questions in the clan chat, message or kmail!

Raquel "Quelzie" Gutierrez (#3549690)