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Currently a Seal Clubber
from Canuckistan

Helpful to newbies, if you can call engimatic hints helpful. Despises b3ggz0rs, especially the ones who curse and swear at him for refusing to give out free meat. Refuses to give out spoilers. Once won 50,000 meat in a contest in /c games when he was only level 5, and gave it all to his clan for fertilizing the meat tree.

Lives in Canukistan.

Loves candy canes, purple pixel pies, and potions of temporary gr8ness. Finally knows the joy of eating five chow meins in one day. Feels dirty about wearing the furry suit, but feels it's the best outfit for beating up on the Naughty So-and-So. Used to gives out generous gifts to his clanmates just before he ascends, but his clan got too big.

Proud member of Mod Warning


  • 2005-07-25 "Welcome to the Kingdom. Noob." Level 13 Sauceror, Softcore n00b, ???? turns (lost to a typo and White Wednesday).
    Trophies: 100 Pound Load, Palindrophy, Easy Come Easy Go. Mr A.'s purchased: 2 (for a Mr. A. Jr.) Familiar used with the NS: Fantasy the Cocoabo. Familiar brought through: Fantasy the Cocoabo. Memorized: Panhandling (but it was in softcore and lost during White Wednesday).
    Gave everyone in his clan a cocoabo egg when he ascended.
  • 2005-11-22 Level 13 Disco Bandit, 113/105/116, Hardcore Teetotaller Packrat, 5,453 turns.
    Trophies: Gadget Inspector, The Ghuol Cup, Gourdcore, Failure To Communicate, I Heart Canadia, Platinum Skull, Weeping Pizza, Little Boat, Disgusting Cocktail. Mr. A's purchased: 2 (for a temporal riflet and Cheshire Bitten). Familiar used with the NS: Kroovy the Clockwork Grapefruit. Familiar brought through: Transparently the Cheshire Bitten. Memorized: Mad Looting Skillz (HC).
    Gourdcore took at least three weeks to accomplish; the rest of the trophies took less time. Purchased store "Achetez-L'Ici" and made over a million meat with just the detrius of a teetotaller run. Witnessed the Grey Plague and temporal rifts. Purchased a display case. Went oyster egg hunting and acquired a complete collection, also went Trick or Treating on Jickoween. Gave everyone in his clan three hell ramens when he ascended.
  • 2005-12-19 Level 13 Pastamancer, 117/172/117, Hardcore Teetotaller Opossum, 2,731 turns.
    Trophies: Boss Boss. Mr. A's purchased: 0. Used a Furry Suit and 3 kickback cookbooks along with Drippy the Ghost Pickle (onna Stick) to defeat the Nasty So-and-So. Memorized: Pastamastery.
    Witnessed the Crimbo Advent calendar, the new Money-Making Game, the new Feast of Boris monsters. Gave everyone in his clan a WANG, 3 Lucky Suprise Eggs, 16 Little Houses and 19 scrolls of drastic healing, along with a 50 kilomeat (each!) bribe as he said goodbye to "The Superhero's" and joined another clan.
  • 2005-01-15 Level 12 Sauceror, 95/136/103 Hardcore Teetotaller Opossum, 1,978 turns.
    Trophies: None, and a little miffed about getting the Elf Protest Sign too late to defeat enough reindeer for the trophy. Mr. A's purchased: 1 (for the snowcone tome). Used a Star Hat, Star Pants, 2 kickback cookbooks and a stainless steel solitaire, along with Drippy the 18 lbs GPoaS and using nothing other than Doc Galactik's Elixirs and Stream of Sauce (which only cost 1MP to cast with the solitaire, but caused 28 points of damage per hit). Memorized: Summon Snowcone, Saucecrafting.
    Witnessed Uncle Crimbo dealing with the elf strike, helped Uncle Crimbo make toys, and the first Friday the 13th. Also witnessed the install of new faster servers -- less lag is a good thing.
  • 2006-02-21 Level 13 Turtle Tamer, 155/108/119 Hardcore Teetotaler Mongoose, 3,846 turns
    Trophies: Golden Bugbear, 300 Pound Load, LOURDE. Mr. A's purchased: none. Used wolf mask, furry pants, star buckler, hippo buckler and flaming talons, along with Drippy the 26 lbs GPoaS, attacking by alternating normal attacks with elixirs. Took me five attempts to defeat her, but she was significantly easier on the fifth try. Memorized: Empathy of the Newt.
    Witnessed the excitement over the NPZR familiar, and learned the joy of mushroom farming (cream of pointy is the best, methinks), and actually defeated the Nasty Slattern in less than 1,800 turns, but spent another 2,000 turns to get the LOURDE trophy.
  • 2006-03-08 Level 11 Seal Clubber, 115/80/81 Hardcore Teetotaller Mongoose, 1,444 turns 16 days
    Trophies: none, I was just going for speed. Mr. A's purchased: none. Used furry suit, flaming talons, Boris's ring, amulet, eXtreme mittens, along with Kroovy the 26 lbs Clockwork Grapefruit. On the fourth attempt on her life, the NS let me take her with alternating item use and thrust-smacks... she was surprisingly easy after the first three attempts were really hard. I only used 2 torpedos and 6 elixirs during that fight.
    Witnessed: the Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot debut, the Armoury and Legoury, the superfluous fountain, the new 12+ level skills for classes.
  • 2005-03-21 Level 11 Seal Clubber, 113/81/86 Hardcore Teetotaller, 1,223 turns 13 days
    Trophies: none. Mr. A's purchased: none. Used furry suit, flaming talons, eXtreme mittens, mulet of extreme plot significance, (no third accessory), along with Kroovy the 28 lbs Clockwork Grapefruit. Used no equipment, just alternated thrust-smacks and normal attacks and nailed her on the third fight.
    Witnessed: the superfluous fountain, and I managed to complete each quest (except the Boss Bat) almost immediately after it was assigned to me by the Council.
  • 2006-04-05 Level 11 Accordian Thief, 76/75/119 Hardcore Boozefatarian, 1,217 turns 15 days
    Trophies: none. Mr. A's purchased: one, for a tome of hilarious objects summoning. Used wolf mask, wand, flaming talons, bejeweled accordian strap x3, 26 lbs Kroovy the Grapefruit. My strategy was to alternate LTSs and Elixirs, and the NS went down on my second attempt... wow. Witnessed: new trophies are discovered, but not availible to me yet. Jicken Wings made their display case database.
