Turtles of the Universe

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Turtles of the Universe
Turtles of the Universe

In the pet cemetery in the rear of the Haunted Conservatory, you sneak quietly amongst the graves, every sense alert to the possibility of attack from the graveyard's undead denizens. Suddenly, you hear a clicking of bones behind you, and you spin around, weapon ready for the assault... and then you see that you've got plenty of time to prepare, as you're being slowly approached by the skeleton of a tortoise.

Tame The Turtle

As tortoises go, even skeletal ones, it's not particularly threatening. You approach it, slowly so as not to spook it, pick it up and shove it in your sack.

Skeletort.gifYou acquire an item: skeletortoise

Occurs at The Haunted Conservatory as a Turtle Tamer.


  • This encounter does not consume an adventure.


  • The title of this adventure references the toy line, comic series and animated series Masters of the Universe. The main villain in the series was named Skeletor.