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This is a tooth. It came from some animal's mouth. If you think it's disgusting to hold something that's been in someone's mouth, you must not eat eggs.

Selling Price: 10 Meat.

(In-game plural: teeth)
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Item number: 2111
Description ID: 160504096
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Heap
I Refuse!
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Simple Tool-Making Cave
hunter-gatherer cave elf




  • In Terry Pratchett's Discworld book Soul Music, the troll Lias Bluestone (Cliff) removes a diamond tooth to pay an old lady at a magical thrift shop for a guitar. When the dwarf Glod Glodson gives it to her she says "I'm not taking that... It's been in a troll's mouth!" to which Glod replies "You eat eggs, don't you?"


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