Tiny canopic jar

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tiny canopic jar
tiny canopic jar

This was found near the body of a skeletal hamster. Presumably, it contains teeny-tiny organs.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Ham(ster)-Handed (30 Adventures)Makes you look like a skeletal hamster

(In-game plural: tiny canopic jars)
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Item number: 5823
Description ID: 641183026
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Haunted Conservatory
skeletal hamster

When Used

You open the tiny canopic jar. Dust billows out, making you cough and wheeze. You feel some eldritch force changing your appearance, and the overwhelming desire to run on a wheel.
Canopicjar.gifYou acquire an effect: Ham(ster)-Handed
(duration: 30 Adventures)


  • Only drops to players with Monster Manuel installed in their Quest Log.


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