The Sorceress' Levitating Potato
From TheKolWiki
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This content has been retired and is no longer available in game. |
If this is the first of her familiars you face:
- Still out of sight, the sorceress cackles madly.
- "Kill the adventurer, my pet!" she shrieks.
If you do not have any familiar equipped:
- A giant potato floats down the corridor toward you, eyeing you menacingly.
![]() | You lose 50 hit points. |
- Disappointed by your failure, you stomp off in a huff, and stub your toe. Really hard.
![]() | You lose 50 hit points. |
If you do not have a Barrrnacle equipped:
- A giant potato floats down the corridor toward you, eyeing you menacingly.
- <Familiar Name> smacks the potato, which is my new favorite euphemism for self-love, but the potato doesn't seem at all fazed. It shoots out vines and entangles soft, defenseless <Familiar Name>. <Familiar Name> sucks in air to try and break the bonds, but can't seem to suck hard enough.
- Disappointed by your failure, you stomp off in a huff, and stub your toe. Really hard.
![]() | You lose 50 hit points. |
If you have a Barrrnacle equipped weighing less than 20 lbs:
- A giant potato floats down the corridor toward you, eyeing you menacingly.
- The potato shoots out vines to entangle <Familiar Name> and squeezes mightily, but <Familiar Name>'s tough shell keeps him from getting hurt. <Familiar Name> tries to suck the potato in close for a shell-bashing, but can't quite suck hard enough.
- Disappointed by your failure, you stomp off in a huff, and stub your toe. Really hard.
![]() | You lose 50 hit points. |
If you have a Barrrnacle equipped weighing at least 20 lbs:
- A giant potato floats down the corridor toward you, eyeing you menacingly.
- The potato shoots out vines to entangle <Familiar Name> and squeezes mightily, but <Familiar Name>'s hard shell keeps him from getting hurt. <Familiar Name> sucks the potato closer to him and bashes it right in the eye(s) with his hard shell. The potato runs out of juice and falls to the ground. You couldn't even power a novelty clock with it now.
- You move further into the tower, while huge chunks of stone fall from the walls for no good reason.
Occurs at The Sorceress' Tower.
- If you are damaged to 0 HP by this creature, you will be Beaten Up for 4 adventures, instead of the usual 3.
- A potato with electrodes in it can be used to make a low power battery.