The Chariot-Racing Colosseum
From TheKolWiki
You enter the colosseum, and find a race book amidst the hustle and bustle. Would you like to place a bet on the next chariot race? Your bets for the next chariot race: if you haven't placed any bets: (you haven't placed any bets.) if you have placed bets: <RACER>: <NUM> Chroner You have bet <NUM> Chroner in total. if you have placed bets for 100 Chroners: You can't place any more bets on this race. if you have less than 10 Chroners: The minimum bet is 10 Chroner, and you don't have 10 Chroner. You have <NUM> Chroners.
Occurs at The Time-Twitching Tower
- In-game text here is rendered in the Times New Roman font.
- Races are scheduled for every full and half hour during twitch events.
- Chariot races are announced as they happen by Biggus Announcus in the /twitch chat channel.
- You can't place bets for more than 100 Chroners total per race.
- The "Back Room" choice only appears if you have at least one Freddie's blessing of Mercury in your inventory.
- The Racer who received the most blessings of Mercury in the Back Room will receive a head-start in the next race.
- First-place winners will receive 3 times their original bet on the winner with a kmail:
- Congratulations! <Chariot Racer> won first place in the last chariot race, and your bet paid off at 3 to 1!
- Second-place winners will receive 2 times their original bet on the winner with a kmail:
- Congratulations! <Chariot Racer> won second place in the last chariot race, and your bet paid off at 2 to 1!
- Third-place winners will receive 1.5 times their original bet on the winner with a kmail:
- Congratulations! <Chariot Racer> won third place in the last chariot race, and your bet paid off at 1.5 to 1!
- The original placeholder names for the chariot racers were Farty Jenkins, Buttstain McGee, Pink Floyd, Barking Spider, Melted Manuel, Corn Face, Pickle Twister, Garrulous Ralph, Ralphing Gary, Piccadilly Slim and Kid Spider.
- "I am Spartacus!"