Talk:Rip Rop Wrappety Do

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Revision as of 16:58, 16 October 2006 by Suraimu (Talk | contribs)

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Does this adventure appear on your 131st adventure (per ascension) on The Penultimate Fantasy Airship? I thought that might have some significance. --MaxVance 12:06, 10 September 2006 (CDT)

  • since i once completed the quest in about ten adventures, no, no it doesn't. 131st (like 227) is just an alarmingly large number. --Evilkolbot 14:15, 10 September 2006 (CDT)

I took out the cosby reference because it was both one hell of a reach, and a misquote of family guy. (Cosby says 'Zip Zop Zoobity Bop', not 'Zip Zop Zoopitty Doo'.) --sl1me 11:58, 16 October 2006 (CDT)