Talk:Haunted doghouse
From TheKolWiki
Zone specific adventures
- Got Dog Diner Afternoon after 55 adventures in the Sloppy Seconds Diner. --Darkcodelagsniper (talk) 08:33, 6 October 2015 (UTC)
- Got Fruuuuuuuit after 6 adventures (5 combats) in The Skeleton Store --Darkcodelagsniper (talk) 08:49, 6 October 2015 (UTC)
Starting names
- My dog's initial name was "Air Bud" (in caps, in the crate message), and there are a lot of reports on the forums indicating their initial names were "Bowser". Probably a few other popular culture dog names out there?--AstronautGuy (talk) 04:14, 7 October 2015 (UTC)