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Monster ID 2266
Locations Crimbo Town (2022)
Hit Points scales
Attack scales
Defense Scales with player stats
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum construct
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts Indeterminate
The Superconductor's CPU
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Superconductor You're fighting the Superconductor

The entire interior (the entirior?) of the locomotice[sic] is taken up by a massive Trainbot, connected to the walls and floors and boilers and engines and whatnot by myriad steam pipes.

All of its eyes start blinking red when you get near it, and the steam shooting out of its various vents starts to look more like cartoon anger steam than regular machine steam.

Hit Message(s):

It crushes your <ear> in one of its massive claws. Ouch! Argh! Ouch!

It blasts you with a jet of steam from one of its big vents. It's at least 20 ounces of venty steam. Ouch! Ow! Oof! (hot damage)

It blasts you with a scalding hot laser from one of its blinking red eyes. Ow! Ugh! Ow! (hot damage)

Critical Hit Message:

It blasts you with a jet of steam from one of its big vents. It's at least 20 ounces of venty steam. (CRITICAL HIT!) Eek! Ugh! Ooh!

After Combat

Cpu.gifYou acquire an item: The Superconductor's CPU (100% chance)*

Occurs at Crimbo Town (2022) (Hop on the Locomotive).


  • Never misses.
  • Not repeatable. Clicking the locomotive again produces the message
You've already defeated the Trainbot boss. There's nothing else of interest in that locomotive. Not even an explanation for why the train is still running!
That item doesn't work here.
This item doesn't do anything here.