Sturdy sword hilt

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sturdy sword hilt
sturdy sword hilt

Y'know, if you had a regular sword hilt, and then you ended up marooned on some inhospitable planet with some fish-faced alien guy, he might eventually look at it and say to you "Not... sturdy..." But with this sword hilt, he wouldn't be able to say that.

(Meatsmithing component)
Selling Price: 500 Meat.

(In-game plural: sturdy sword hilts)
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Item number: 1727
Description ID: 123559093
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Meatsmith (1,000 Meat)



  • This object's description is probably a reference to the 1985 science-fiction film Enemy Mine, in which the alien pronounces the shelter that the human has built "No solid"... just before it collapses.


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