Spooky eyeliner

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spooky eyeliner
spooky eyeliner

This eyeliner pencil is especially spooky. Just holding it makes you feel like a dark and restless spirit of the night. Or at least an alienated teenager striving to be a dark and restless spirit of the night. Or at least score with hot goth chicks.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 50 Meat.
Effect: Gothy (10 Adventures)Mysticality +20
Muscle -10
Moxie -10

(In-game plural: spooky eyeliner pencils)
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Item number: 1135
Description ID: 126179968
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

spooky cosmetics bag (4-6)

When Used

You apply the spooky eyeliner. Your eyes are now lined with spookiness.
Gothy.gifYou acquire an effect: Gothy
(duration: 10 Adventures)


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