Spectral jelly

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spectral jelly
spectral jelly

This is a mostly invisible, largely intangible blob of jelly from a spectral jellyfish. Holding it is sort of like holding a wet jiggly glob of nothing. Now if only you had some spectral toast, because obviously you couldn't possibly put this on normal toast.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 62 Meat.

Makes you nearly impervious to damage for the duration of the fight

(In-game plural: globs of spectral jelly)
View metadata
Item number: 3741
Description ID: 460649718
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Menagerie Level 3
Spectral Jellyfish (Pickpocket only)

When Used

  • First use in combat:
You swallow the spectral jelly, and watch as your entire body fades to mostly-translucent.
Specjelly.gifYou acquire an effect: Spectral
(duration: 1 Adventure)
  • Additional uses in the same combat:
You're still feeling queasy from the last time.


  • Effect is lost when fight is concluded
  • You may runaway and keep the effect


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Watch.gif spectral jelly | ghost protocol