Spaghetti breakfast

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spaghetti breakfast
spaghetti breakfast

This simple bowl of cold noodles and sauce makes you uncomfortable, for some reason.

Type: food (???)
Size: 1
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: spaghetti breakfasts)
View metadata
Item number: 6616
Description ID: 364296536
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Spaghetti Breakfast

When Consumed

You steel your nerves and dig in. It is the most important meal of the day, after all.
AdventuresYou gain 6 Adventures.
(You gain 1 Fullness.)
  • If you are less than level 11:
You steel your nerves and dig in. It is the most important meal of the day, after all.

Ugh. You can't even finish it.
AdventuresYou gain X Adventures.
(You gain 1 Fullness.)
  • If you have already eaten something today:
Breakfast has to be the first thing you eat in a day. That's what breakfast means.


  • If you are below level 11 when you eat this, you will always receive the "Ugh. You can't even finish it." message, even if you get the full 6 Adventures.
  • The number of Adventures you get depends on your level:
Level Adventures
1 1
2 1-2
3 2
4 2-3
5 3
6 3-4
7 4
8 4-5
9 5
10 5-6
11+ 6
  • The spaghetti breakfast counts as pasta for the purpose of giving bonus MP when eaten by a Pastamancer.



  • At first, the quality of this food was shown as "crappy" before changing to "???".
  • Originally, this food could be consumed any time your fullness was 0 (even if you had already eaten a 0-fullness food that day, via distention pill). This was changed on an unknown date prior to August 31, 2013.


"6616" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.