Snopes on the Slopes

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Snopes on the Slopes

On your way to the ski lift at Large Donkey Mountain Ski Resort, you encounter one of the emergency medical response guys, out walking his huge St. Bernard dog.

"Say, I've always wondered -- what's with that barrel hanging from the dog's collar?" you ask him.

"Oh, we fill them with whiskey," he replies.

"Whiskey? Not, like, bandages, or antiseptic ointment, or a blood transfusion? How is whiskey going to help?"

"Well, back in the day, people thought booze was good for warming up a person who's freezing to death. It turned out not to be true -- pretty much the opposite in fact -- but we still fill the kegs with whiskey out of tradition."

"I see..."

Ten minutes later, you're taking a dive on the bunny slope where plenty of people can witness it and call for help, and ten minutes after that you're enjoying a mini-keg of free whiskey. You don't get much skiing done on the rest of the trip, but you spend most of it too wasted to care.

AdventuresYou lose 3 Adventures.
Meat.gifYou spent 500 Meat.
You gain X Sarcasm.
Shorescrip.gifYou acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip

Occurs at Large Donkey Mountain Ski Resort.