Snifter of thoroughly aged brandy

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snifter of thoroughly aged brandy
snifter of thoroughly aged brandy

This is a snifter of the brandy that Lord Spookyraven liked. It looks like it got left in his desk drawer for decades -- it's dried into a sort of thick brown sludge. Still smells like brandy, though.

Type: booze (decent)
Potency: 2
Selling Price: 64 Meat.

(In-game plural: snifters of thoroughly aged brandy)
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Item number: 1956
Description ID: 262024691
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Obtained From

The Haunted Library
writing desk
The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery (sometimes) (102 Meat)

When Consumed

You turn the snifter upside down and wait about fifteen minutes for the coagulated brandy syrup to start pouring out of it. Then you "drink" it.
AdventuresYou gain 2-6 Adventures.
You gain 18-22 Enchantedness.
You gain 2 Drunkenness.


  • At some point on or before October 2, 2014, this item had its autosell changed from 34.


"1956" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.