Slime-soaked hypophysis

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Do you always get the "first time" message when it is the first time that ascension, or only first time ever in any ascension? An even more differenter message when you use an 11th gland when you'd used 10 or more total during prior ascensions but haven't permed the skill?

slime-soaked hypophysis
slime-soaked hypophysis

What's a hypophysis? Well, this is just a theory, but I think it's another name for a pituitary gland. Which is an awesome gland, because it's really easy to talk about while you're chewing tobacco.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 5000 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: slime-soaked hypophyses)
View metadata
Item number: 3991
Description ID: 515479025
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Slime Tube
Mother Slime

When Used

You stick the hypophysis in your ear and it wriggles into your nervous system. Your muscles all grow a little bit.

You acquire a skill: Slsinews.gif Slimy Sinews

You stick the hypophysis in your ear and it wriggles into your nervous system. Your muscles all grow a little bit.
  • Else:
You don't think you can handle any more of those.


  • Using more than one of this item increases the benefits of the Slimy Sinews skill. See that page for details.



Slash.gif slime-soaked brain | slime-soaked hypophysis | slime-soaked sweat gland


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