Skate skates

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skate skates
skate skates

This is a pair of roller skates that a roller skate uses to skate. We can only hope they came from a skate named "Kate."

(Meat Pasting component)
Type: combat item
Selling Price: 160 Meat.

Deals 150-300 Physical Damage and briefly stuns your opponent

(In-game plural: pairs of skate skates)
View metadata
Item number: 4208
Description ID: 255858390
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

A Rumble Near the Fountain
roller skate
Roller Skate Territory
roller skate


When Used

You roll the skates under your opponent. It steps in them and trips, suffering 150-300 damage from the fall. Those things are dangerous!


"4208" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.