Sauciest Saucier

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Sauciest Saucier
Sauciest Saucier

This trophy is earned by attaining level 30 as a Sauceror.

Sauciest Saucier You're entitled to the "Sauciest Saucier" Trophy, for achieving level 30 as a Sauceror.


  • Released on October 26, 2006.
  • Attaining level 30 requires 845 base Mysticality, equivalent to 714025 Mysticality substat.
  • For strategy tips, see Power Leveling.


  • The file name of this trophy's image, "lost_in_the_sauce_once_again.gif," is a direct quote from the song Waving My Dick In The Wind, by Ween.
  • A saucier is a French chef who specializes in sauces; therefore, the Sauciest Saucier is the person who is the best at creating sauces.