Red Roger

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Red Roger
Monster ID 2134
Locations PirateRealm Red Roger's Fortress
Hit Points 500
Attack 100
Defense 100
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum construct
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, leg, torso
Red Roger's reliquary
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Red Roger You're fighting Red Roger

You burst through the door into Red Roger's chamber to find him, sans head, sitting on a plastic throne, almost totally obscured by cobwebs.

Hit Message(s):

You sidestep to avoid a spider, but get bitten on the <giblets> ankle by a different spider. Argh! Ooh! Ooh!

A spider crawls out from Roger's <shins> and bites yours. That spider must really love a <throat>! Argh! Argh! Ugh!

Critical Hit Message:

A spider crawls out from under the throne and bites you on the <arse>. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Miss Message(s):

A spider crawls out from under the throne, but gets caught in a different spider's web.

A spider tries to bite you on the <face>, but you quickly move your <throat> out of the way.

Fumble Message:

A spider crawls out from under the throne, but gets caught in a different spider's web. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

(Red Roger's flag is now available at Seaside Curios.)

You feel pretty excited about having defeated a legendary pirate!
Confetti.gifYou gain 17 PirateRealm FunPoints

Pr relicbag.gifYou acquire an item: Red Roger's reliquary

Occurs at PirateRealm.

Red Roger's Fortress


  • Immune to stuns/staggers