Red Army camouflage kit

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Red Army camouflage kit
Red Army camouflage kit

This is a little makeup kit that members of the Red Army use to disguise themselves as red skeletons, probably as some sort of a tax dodge.

No, wait, it's probably because skeletons are more terrifying than regular foot soldiers.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Red, Red Skeleton (50 Adventures)Makes you look like a red skeleton

(In-game plural: Red Army camouflage kits)
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Item number: 7623
Description ID: 988008706
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Red Zeppelin
red skeleton

When Used

You use the Red Army camouflag kit, painting red bones over your unappealing flesh.
Compact.gifYou acquire an effect: Red, Red Skeleton
(duration: 50 Adventures)


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