Protector Spectre Candidate

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Protector Spectre Candidate
Monster ID 2321
Locations A Massive Ziggurat
Hit Points 100
Attack 164
Defense 151
Initiative 30
Meat None
Phylum undead
Elements None
Resistance 100%
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, torso, ...wing?
Quest ancient amulet, spectre scepter, replica Mr. Accessory
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Protector Spectre Candidate You're fighting a Protector Spectre Candidate

Oh hey, Dr. Hobo Jones is applying for the job of ancient Protector Spectre. Let's start the interview.

Hit Message(s):

You ask him why manhole covers are round. He responds by picking up a nearby manhole cover and smacking you in the eye with it. Ouch! Ow! Ow!

He demonstrates his commitment to excellence by punching you in the knee. Oof! Ooh! Ouch! (spooky damage)

You ask him if he has any questions for you. He asks if you want to know exactly when and how you will die. Ooh! Ouch! Eek! (spooky damage)

He puts a ghostly cigar out on your <ankle>. It's spooky, but mostly it's hot. Good initiative. Ouch! Oof! Ugh! (hot damage)

Critical Hit Message:

He puts a ghostly cigar out on your <skull>. It's spooky, but mostly it's hot. Good initiative. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ooh! Argh! Argh! (spooky damage)

Miss Message(s):

You ask him why manhole covers are round. He says he doesn't know. Big red flag.

You ask him what his greatest weakness is, and he responds by not punching you in the elbow. That must be the weakness.

You ask him if he has any questions for you. He says no. Bad sign, there.

He pauses to take a puff from his ghostly cigar. Hey, buddy, it's not break time yet.

Fumble Message:

He pauses to take a puff from his ghostly cigar. Hey, buddy, it's not break time yet. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Aamulet.gifYou acquire an item: ancient amulet (100% chance)*
Scepter.gifYou acquire an item: spectre scepter (100% chance)*
Replicamra.gifYou acquire an item: replica Mr. Accessory (100% chance)*

Occurs at A Massive Ziggurat.

