possessed sugar cube
This is a cube of sugar that is doing its best to move around. Sadly, its best isn't much more than "shake back and forth a little".
Type: usable Selling Price: 90 Meat. (In-game plural: possessed sugar cubes) | |
Obtained From
- Sloppy Seconds Diner
- Sloppy Seconds Sundae
When Used
You press the sugar cube into the shape of an angel, and it starts looking for the head of a pin to dance around on. Actually, wait. That's not an angel, it's a fairy. And you don't know what it's looking for.
Using 3:
You make a crude rabbit shape out of the sugar cubes, and it becomes a less crude rabbit shape of its own volition.
Using 11:
You compress the sugar cubes into a crude facsimile of a tooth.
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