Pick a Perk!

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These are only buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7. Put the rest (and make sure to get the order right by looking at the button number in the source of the page

Pick a Perk!
Pick a Perk!

Oh, hi there! I see you're new to this whole spelunking thing! While you're getting your bearings, you can choose perks to make your future Spelunking runs easier.

There are 9 of these in total, and once you unlock one it's unlocked permanently, so it won't take you long to get all of 'em.

I hope you enjoyed your Spelunking adventure, and I hope you enjoy your next one even more!

Immediate access to The Jungle

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Immediate access to The Ice Caves

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Immediate access to The Temple Ruins

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Begin with 2 extra bombs

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Shopkeepers have larger selections

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Begin with 100 gold

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Begin with 2 extra ropes

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Begin with a cool hat

Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!

Begin with a key

Occurs when closing the book at The End of the Tale of Spelunking.