Pencil stub
From TheKolWiki
This is a short little pencil, vibrating with leftover magic from the golem it used to be the... part... of. (In-game plural: pencil stubs) |
Obtained From
When Used
You draw a guillotine blade above your opponent. It falls on <him>, severing <his> head and dealing X damage. Let <him> eat cake! |
You draw a sweet rainbow and a rad jet fighter, and then the jet fighter flies through the rainbow and the rainbow explodes and then the jet fires its machine guns and it's all rat-tat-tat-tat-tat and (10-20) (+10-20) (+10-20) (+10-20) (+10-20) damage. |
You use the pencil to replace your opponent with a slightly shorter version of <itself>. | ||||
You draw a crude doctor, who tends to your wounds the best that he can, given that you didn't remember to draw him a little black bag. | ||
You draw a refreshing glass of strawberry soda and drink it down. | ||
- The guillotine blade attack halves the monster's current HP.
See Also
"6418" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.