Peace turkey outline

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peace turkey outline
peace turkey outline

Somebody flashed a peace sign and traced their hand on a magic scroll. What happened next was not an end to all war and injustice everywhere, as the person intended, but a weird two-feathered turkey, which had never even occurred to them.

Hatches into:
Pto fam.gif
Peace Turkey

Type: familiar
Cannot be discarded
Free pull from Hagnk's

(In-game plural: peace turkey outlines)
View metadata
Item number: 11672
Description ID: 206862721
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Mr. Store (1 Mr. Accessory)

When Used

You put the peace turkey outline in your Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium.

At first it looks like he's giving you a rude British gesture, but then he turns around and you're like, "Oh, right."
Pto fam.gif
You decide to name him Truderick.


  • November 2024's item of the month from Mr. Store.
Its in-store description: A peaceful turkey to protect you, decrease your chance of combat, and give you peaceful stuff.


"11672" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

2023 Mr. Store - edit 2025
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