Pasta Spoon of Peril

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Pasta Spoon of Peril
Pasta Spoon of Peril

This is a contraption which could best be described as "a gravel-filled spaghetti catapult."

It's as dangerous as it is implausible.

(Meatsmithing component)
Type: weapon (1-handed utensil)
Damage: 5 - 10
Mysticality Required: 10
Cannot be traded or discarded

Mysticality +7
Combat Initiative +15%

(Bonus for Pastamancers only)

(In-game plural: Pasta Spoons of Peril)
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Item number: 68
Description ID: 942969095
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Misspelled Cemetary
Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here (as a Pastamancer)



You deal X carbohydrate-rich points of damage to <it>. Hopefully, <it> isn't on some low-carb diet. Or some low-pain diet. BONK! BOINK! WHAM!
You sling some rocky pasta at <it>, doing X damage. BARF! BOINK! BARF!
You whip <it> with a wet noodle. It hurts a lot more when it's a wet noodle in a wooden spoon full of gravel. About X damage more, really. SMACK! WHAMMO! BIFF!
You realize you're pasta point of no return, and smack <it> for X damage. BONK! BOINK! POW!



  • This item became smithable at NS13. It used to be meatpasted.
  • Prior to an update on June 2nd, 2015, this item was meatsmithed from a spaghetti with rock-balls and a pasta spoon. The same update made it untradeable and removed its autosell value of 150.

See Also


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