One-day ticket to The Glaciest

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one-day ticket to The Glaciest
one-day ticket to The Glaciest

This pass grants unlimited travel privileges to The Glaciest, Loathing's most popular cold-weather vacation destination. Well, unlimited except in the sense that it is limited to a single day, which is a pretty significant limit if you really think about it.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: one-day tickets to The Glaciest)
View metadata
Item number: 8675
Description ID: 871547416
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Wal-Mart (50 Wal-Mart gift certificates)

When Used

  • Without access to the Glaciest:

You follow the directions on the ticket to Elemental International Airport (it's near the Right Side of the Tracks in Seaside Town) and turn in the ticket for one-day-only all-you-can-fly access to The Glaciest. Gather your warmest clothes and head to the gate!

  • Otherwise:

You already have access to The Glaciest. There's no sense in wasting the ticket.



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