Oil lamp

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oil lamp
oil lamp

This is a lamp made out of, and also full of, oil. You could carry it around during broad daylight, saying you were looking for an honest man, and everyone who has a liberal arts degree would know what you were talking about.

Type: off-hand item
Muscle Required: 45
Outfit: Oil Rig
  (3 items)

Selling Price: 130 Meat.

+5 Sleaze Damage
+5 Hot Damage

(In-game plural: oil lamps)
View metadata
Item number: 6040
Description ID: 851791842
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Asterisk.gif 9 bubblin' crudes
Equals.gif oil lamp


  • Diogenes of Sinope was a Greek philosopher who would walk during the day with a lamp searching for an honest man.

See Also


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