Novelty fruit hat

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novelty fruit hat
novelty fruit hat

Oh hey, you knocked that skeleton's tropical fruit hat* right off. I mean, you knocked a lot of various bits of him off, but I'm just talking about the hat right now.

* Fruit not pictured.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Skeleton in a Fruit Hat (30 Adventures)Makes you look like a novelty tropical skeleton

(In-game plural: novelty fruit hats)
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Item number: 8365
Description ID: 680204956
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Obtained From

The Skeleton Store
novelty tropical skeleton

When Used

You put on the novelty fruit hat. It's quite fashionable, and what's more, has rather a slimming effect on your appearance. A rather extreme slimming effect, in fact.
Strawhat.gifYou acquire an effect: Skeleton in a Fruit Hat
(duration: 30 Adventures)


  • Only drops to players with Monster Manuel installed in their Quest Log.


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