Murderbot whip

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murderbot whip
murderbot whip

What do you do with a wire sharp enough to cut through almost anything? Put a handle on it and start swinging it around all willy-nilly, that's what!

Type: weapon (1-handed whip)
Damage: 1 - 2
Muscle Required: 30
Selling Price: 45 Meat.

Weapon Damage +10
+10% Chance of Critical Hit
Deals 1,000 extra damage on Critical Hit

(In-game plural: murderbot whips)
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Item number: 9455
Description ID: 393535917
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Wad.gif murderbot monofilament murderbot monofilament
Equals.gif Murderbot whip


  • On a critical hit against a monster, if equipped in the mainhand:
You yank the sharper-than-razor-sharp whip back towards you, slicing <it> up for an additional 1000 damage.

See Also


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