mojo filter
This is a small filter designed to decrease the harmful spleen effects of things that do harm to your spleen. It's not as cool as, say, a juju eyeball, but it'll have to do.
Type: usable Selling Price: 125 Meat. (In-game plural: mojo filters) | |
Obtained From
- An Oasis
- swarm of scarab beatles
When Used
- Having used fewer than three times today:
You strain some of the toxins out of your mojo, and discard the now-grodulated filter.
One and one and one is three, and three is the number of filters your mojo can handle in one day.
- Having no need of spleen filtering:
Your mojo is presently fairly clean. No need to filter it.
- Removes 1 spleen hit from your current total, to a minimum of 0.
- Can only use three of these a day.
- Both "mojo filter" and "juju eyeball" are phrases found in the The Beatles' song "Come Together".
- The three-per-day limit is also a reference to the same song, which has the lyrics "... one and one and one is three ..."
- "Grodulated" is quite likely a reference to the Flash cartoon series Homestar Runner, which has used the word grodalated to refer to disgusting things (like a dirty old kitchen sponge and a moldy cantaloupe).
See Also
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