mixed wildflower greens
This is a bowl of wildflower greens. Each of these was harvested by very carefully asking the wildflower if it was done using the leaf, waiting a few hours for an answer, and then gently plucking it while apologizing. Stupid hippies.
(Cooking ingredient) Type: food (good) Size: 1 Level required: 10 Selling Price: 72 Meat. (In-game plural: bowls of mixed wildflower greens) | |
Obtained From
- The Hippy Camp (Verge of War)
- Blockin' Out the Scenery
- Items
- Hippy Army MPE (0-2)
When Consumed
You chow down on the bowl of greens. Then you hop back into your hutch and start talking to your friends about El-ahrairah.
(You gain 1 Fullness.)
- El-ahrairah is the rabbit trickster folk hero in Richard Adams' Watership Down.
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