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Spadebal.gif There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.

What's it do?
Nopic.gif This page is in need of content.

Just about everything

Your stray DNA
Made this little splice of life
Such cute mad science!

Ability: Has abilities dependent on its class. Maintains a buff on you dependent on your class and its.

Throne/Bjorn: All attributes +10%

Hatchling: Cloneegg.gif adventurer clone egg

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Minimra.gif mini-Mr. Accessory

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif
Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • At the start of combat, if you do not have a buff from <him/her> active:
    • When you are a Seal Clubber:
      <Name> magically injects synovial sauce into all of your joints, making it easier to move.
      Ma6buff1.gifYou acquire an effect: Elbow Sauce
      (duration: 10 Adventures)
    • When you are a Turtle Tamer:
      <Name> conjures a mass of sauce that forms into a warm shell on your back. You shudder for a moment, then sigh with relief.
      Ma6buff2.gifYou acquire an effect: Wet Rub
      (duration: 10 Adventures)
    • When you are a Pastamancer:
      <Name> conjures up two little globs of sauce and throws them to you. You catch them, and they explode all over your fingers.
      Ma6buff3.gifYou acquire an effect: Saucefingers
      (duration: 10 Adventures)
    • When you are a Sauceror:
      <Name> conjures up a pair of shimmering lenses of sauce, which glom into position in front of your eyes.
      Ma6buff4.gifYou acquire an effect: Saucegoggles
      (duration: 10 Adventures)
    • When you are a Disco Bandit:
      <Name> conjures up a glob of sauce, which he then uses to shine your shoes. What a helpful little clone!
      Ma6buff5.gifYou acquire an effect: Shoesauce
      (duration: 10 Adventures)
    • When you are an Accordion Thief:
      <Name> conjures a whirling disk of sauce and enchants it to float behind your head. Halo!
      Ma6buff6.gifYou acquire an effect: Corona de la Salsa
      (duration: 10 Adventures)
  • During combat:
    <Name> summons up some piping-hot alfredo sauce, and pretends your opponent is named Alfredo, saucing it for X damage.
    <Name> summons some piping-hot marinara, and adds some of your opponent's red sauce to it for X damage.
    <Name> summons a muy picante batch of salsa, which hits your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> summons up some piping hot mustard, and your opponent is unable to cut it, taking X damage.
    <Name> summons some hot Worcestershire sauce. Your opponent fails to pronounce it correctly and take dmg[sic] damage.
    <Name> summons a spicy peanut sauce, buttering your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> summons some delicious hot fudge sauce, and packs it into your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> summons a hot béarnaise sauce. Despite it not containing a mix of bears and mayonnaise, which would be awesome, it hits your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> summons a chrome plate full of hot Hollandaise Sauce, basting your opponent for X damage.
  • <Name> summons a tidal wave of ice-cold cocktail sauce for X damage.
    <Name> conjures up a gravy boat full of ice-cold gravy, then hits your opponent with it for X damage.
    <Name> summons a wave of ice-cold barbecue sauce, hitting your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> summons a frigid ketchup tornado, which hits it for X damage.
    <Name> blasts it with some cold ceviche for X damage.
    <Name> almost seems to relish summoning some cold relish, which hits it for X damage.
    <Name> blasts it for X damage with cold gazpacho, like he's the gazpacho gestapo or something.
    <Name> gives your opponent a cold shoulder (and everything else) with a blast of cold mustard, hitting for X damage.
    <Name> blasts them with a vicious vichyssoise for X damage.
    <Name> summons either a gazpacho or a vichyssoise--it's hard to tell at this scale--and hits your opponents with it for X damage.
  • <Name> summons a splash of vichyssoise and focuses it through a Cosmic Ladle. X of your opponent's hit points turn into mojo for you.
MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • <Name> summons some frozen alfredo and focuses it through a Cosmic Ladle. X of your opponent's hit points get converted into MP for you.
MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • <Name> summons a splash of gazpacho and focuses it through a Cosmic Ladle. Your opponent takes X damage, which converts into more mojo for you.
MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • <Name> hits your opponent with a mystical ceviche that leeches X hit points from it and gives it to you as MP.
MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • <Name> splashes your opponent with some chilled soy sauce for X damage, then passes its hit points (and the savings) on to you as MP.
MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • <Name> hits your opponent with a frozen chunk of béarnaise sauce for X damage. You ponder how awesome a sauce made out of bears and mayonnaise would be, and feel your mojo risin'.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • At the end of combat:
    <name> summons a red sauce with meatballs and gives some of the meat to you, you meathead.
    <name> plumps up the meat you just got with gravy, making it bigger. Does that count as inflation?
    <name> summons some Meat Alfredo sauce, strains out the meat, and gives it to you.
    <Name> gives your meat a gravy injection. Uh, I mean that literally. Like, the meat you just got in battle, he put gravy in it so it would grow bigger. Just so we're clear on that.

Miniadv0.gif Pick a Mini-Adventurer class:
Miniadv1.gif Miniadv1f.gif
Mini-Seal Clubber
Miniadv2.gif Miniadv2f.gif
Mini-Turtle Tamer
Miniadv3.gif Miniadv3f.gif
Miniadv4.gif Miniadv4f.gif
Miniadv5.gif Miniadv5f.gif
Mini-Disco Bandit
Miniadv6.gif Miniadv6f.gif
Mini-Accordion Thief