Microwave stogie

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microwave stogie
microwave stogie

This little cigar isn't just a cigar: it will let your Organ Grinder indulge his need for oral stimulation and carcinogens, sure, but the heat coming off the end will also help him cook your pies faster.

Type: familiar equipment
Familiar: Knob Goblin Organ Grinder
Selling Price: 75 Meat.

Helps your Organ Grinder Bake Pies Faster

(In-game plural: microwave stogies)
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Item number: 4721
Description ID: 712043515
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Obtained From

The Cake-Shaped Arena
Every 5th win with a Knob Goblin Organ Grinder equipped
box of Familiar Jacks


  • Reduces the number of gathered organs needed to bake pies by 5 (with the exception of the first pie).


  • The line "This little cigar isn't just a cigar" and the "need for oral stimulation" are a reference to Freudian psychoanalysis, which is known for tracing habits back to repressed sexual or aggressive desires developed in infancy. When one of Freud's students turned his analysis back on him and accused him of smoking cigars because of repressed homosexual urges, Freud replied "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."


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