Mer-kin fastjuice

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Mer-kin fastjuice
Mer-kin fastjuice

This is a little sealed bottle of a potion used by Mer-kin scavengers to sharpen their senses, go without sleep, and swim faster and harder than usual.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 150 Meat.
Effect: Juiced Up (10 Adventures)All Attributes -5%
Makes you a better diver

(In-game plural: Mer-kin fastjuices)
View metadata
Item number: 3595
Description ID: 199516593
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Mer-Kin Outpost
Sneaky Intent
Mer-kin Gymnasium
Ators Gonna Ate
Mer-kin thingpouch (0-1)

When Used

You pop open the bottle and drink the juice. Your head starts spinning. Very quickly.
Hoppedup.gifYou acquire an effect: Juiced Up
(duration: 10 Adventures)


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