Mandarina colada with a fly in it

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mandarina colada with a fly in it
mandarina colada with a fly in it

This is a tasty frozen cocktail made from rum and Chinese bureaucrats. Wait, I mean tangerines. I get those mixed up sometimes.

Type: booze (crappy)
Potency: 0
Selling Price: 130 Meat.
Gift Item

(In-game plural: mandarina coladas with flies in them)
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Item number: 1601
Description ID: 440247765
View in-game: view


Still sm.gif grapefruit bottle of rum  
Fruitym.gif tangerine bottle of Lieutenant Freeman  
Shaker.gif zmobie magical ice cube with a fly in it
Equals.gif mandarina colada with a fly in it

When Consumed

You start to drink the mandarina colada, but suddenly notice there's a fly in it! Eurgh!


  • Is not consumed upon use.


  • The word 'mandarin' can mean either a Chinese bureaucrat, or a fruit very similar to a tangerine.


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