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Make sure the remaining stuff is accurate. How much does it delevel by, increase meat by, increase stats by, and so on?
Machine Elf
Drink deep of concepts Manifest synesthesia To become festive
Does some weird stuff
Lets you in to the Deep Machine tunnels
Ability: At the start of combat either weakens the opponent or helps you. At the end of combat drops stats or items. Lets you access The Deep Machine Tunnels, and grants you 5 free fights there every day.
Throne/Bjorn: All Attributes +7, drops up to 25 abstractions per day (~20% chance per combat)
Hatchling: machine elf capsule
Familiar-Specific Equipment: self-dribbling basketball
Mumming Trunk Abilities:
+30% Meat Drop
4-5 MP
+3 Muscle statgain
+15% Item Drop
+4 Mysticality statgain
+2 Moxie statgain
*Hover for details
Combat Messages
- On the first round of combat, performs one of the following actions:
- Your foe is struck dumb by <name>'s mesmerizing movement-without-movement.
- Your foe stares blankly at <name>. In her confusion, she seems to lose some of her essential nature.
| Monster attack power reduced by 20% |
| Monster defense reduced by 20% |
- <Name> smiles at you. Your <mind part> thickens[sic]?, protected by a layer of <noun> <noun>.
- <Name> smiles at you. Your <mind part> sparkles[sic]?, charged with <vocalization modifier & noun>.
- Against bosses, including Ultra Rares (takes priority over the other possible effects):
- <Name> smiles and cheers, and your own voice, now his, speaks inside your head: "You can do this!"
- After Combat, performs one of the following actions:
- <name> vibrates in place for a moment, and you remember something you had forgotten. or or or or or
- Your <Deep Machine body part / mind part> throbs with increased <Deep Machine Muscle descriptor>.
- Your <Deep Machine body part / mind part> thrums with increased <Deep Machine Mysticality descriptor>.
- Your <Deep Machine body part / mind part> glistens with increased <Deep Machine Moxie descriptor>.
- <name> snaps his fingers and you seem to slide into a neighboring parallel dimension in which you are slightly wealthier.
- <name> produces a snowglobe from... somewhere...
- Against a monster from The Deep Machine Tunnels, first 5 times per day:
- <name> clucks his tongue and time starts passing again. This makes you realize that no time had passed while you were fighting that weird monster.
- Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
- "<no text>"
or or or or or
- or or or or or
- With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
- The Tam reassembles itself into a festive sombrero as <name> winks at you.
- With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
- <name> dances around the maypole, yet does not move.
- With wax lips equipped:
- The wax lips disappear and reappear as <name>'s smile rearranges his face.
Arena Messages
- None - familiar has no weaknesses.
- The word buckets used in several messages are found here.
- The Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe drops once per day.
- The "mesmerizing movement-without-movement" stuns the monster for 2-3 rounds.
- While the stun is in effect, each round (including the first) will display the message:
- Your foe remains mesmerized by <name>'s incomprehensible nature.
- The last round of combat the stun is active will display the message:
- <Name>'s mesmerizing effect on your foe seems to have worn off at this point.
- HP restored is equal to 20x the Machine Elf's weight (or enough to max your HP, if less).
- MP restored is equal to 10x the Machine Elf's weight (or enough to max your MP, if less).
- Monster delevel appears to be 20%.
- First-round HP and MP restoration effects will not apply if the respective value is full, first-round deleveling will not occur if the monster's attack is lower than your moxie (needs spading).
- After combat action (muscle exp, myst exp, moxie exp, meat, and dropping abstractions) are equally likely.
- After combat stat gain appears to be <weight/3> towards a randomly chosen substat.
- After combat meat gain appears to be ???.
See Also