Loathing Legion defibrillator

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Loathing Legion defibrillator
Loathing Legion defibrillator

This is a set of metal paddles attached by cables to a battery. If you're wondering how all that fits into a pocketknife, don't fret: it's the same battery that runs the knife and the can opener.

The idea was that another Legionnaire could use it to restart the heart of a Legionairre who died in battle, but you can just use it on yourself if you happen to accidentally die.

Type: off-hand item
Cannot be traded or discarded

Regenerate 5-6 MP per adventure

NOTE: This item cannot be equipped while in Hardcore.

(In-game plural: Loathing Legion defibrillators)
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Item number: 4919
Description ID: 871754159
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Using the Loathing Legion knife or any one of its switchable forms

When Used

  • After losing to a monster, with a Loathing Legion defibrillator equipped:
As everything goes dark, you grab the defibrillator paddles and shock yourself. It's even more shocking than a glimpse of stocking used to be, and you feel better immediately.
Beatenup.gifYou lose an effect: Beaten Up


  • The usage text refers to a line from the Cole Porter song "Anything Goes" ("In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as simply shocking...")

See Also


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