Linguini of the sea

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linguini of the sea
linguini of the sea

This is a bowl of noodles covered with little bits of liquefied seafood. Hooray!

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 5
Level required: 10
Selling Price: 65 Meat.

(In-game plural: bowls of linguini of the sea)
View metadata
Item number: 8536
Description ID: 136886155
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Chez Snootée (sometimes) (195 Meat)


Potion9.gif stolen sushi scrumdiddlyumptious solution Blacknoodles.gif dry noodles MSG
Blacknoodles.gif illicit fish sauce savory dry noodles
Equals.gif linguini of the sea

When Consumed

In spite of the indications, you eat the linguini on land.
AdventuresYou gain 19-22 Adventures.
You gain 35-40 Roguishness.
(You gain 5 Fullness.)


Slash.gif libertagliatelle | linguini of the sea | turkish mostaccioli


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