Koopa Paratroopa

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Koopa Paratroopa
Monster ID 2165
Locations The Boss Bat's Lair, as a Plumber
Hit Points 40
Attack 40
Defense 40
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum beast
Elements None
Resistance 50% elemental
Monster Parts head, leg, shell, wing
20 coins
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Koopa Paratroopa You're fighting a Koopa Paratroopa

Having finally made your way past the guards and into the main area of the cave, you can see that there is indeed a small castle here. It is not a very good one. In fact, although it's hard to tell for certain in this dim light, you think it might actually just be carved and painted styrofoam glued to plywood, like a background flat in a high-school play.

Before you can approach it to get a closer look though, a turtle with wings dive-bombs you out of nowhere.

Hit Message(s):

You stand perfectly still as it walks into you, crushing your <forehead>. Ugh! Ow!

It retreats into its shell, which bounces off a nearby wall and then smacks you in the <bung>. Argh! Ooh!

It bites you on the <throat> with its powerful jaws. It's a snapper! Ow! Ugh!

Critical Hit Message:

It retreats into its shell, which bounces off a nearby wall and then smacks you in the <skull>. (CRITICAL HIT!) Oof! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

It leaps toward you, but you dash underneath it as it jumps.

It retreats into its shell, which bounces harmlessly off a nearby wall.

Fumble Message:

It retreats into its shell, which bounces harmlessly off a nearby wall. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

You find a huge cache of coins!
Mario coin.gifYou acquire 20 coins

Occurs at The Boss Bat's Lair during a Path of the Plumber run.
