Knob Goblin Elite Guard Captain

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Knob Goblin Elite Guard Captain
Monster ID 263
Locations Cobb's Knob Barracks (While Lucky!)
Hit Points 35
Attack 30
Defense 27
No-Hit 40
Initiative 0
Meat 240-360
Phylum goblin
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts head, arm, leg, torso
Knob Goblin elite helm, Knob Goblin elite pants, Knob Goblin elite polearm
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Knob Goblin Elite Guard Captain You're fighting a Knob Goblin Elite Guard Captain

This is one of the senior officers of the Knob Goblin Elite Guard. It's rare to find one of these guys actually out and about in the Knob -- they're usually holed up in the War Room, plotting world domination.

Anyway, this one must've come up to the kitchen to get a snack.

Hit Message(s):

He calls in one of his subordinates to hit you in the <calf>. Ow!

He yells "attention!" in a commanding voice. You jump to attention so quickly that you hit your head on the ceiling. Oof! Argh! Ugh!

He blows a whistle, and a regular Elite Guardsman runs in and hit you in the <head>. Ooh! Argh! Eek!

Critical Hit Message:

He blows a whistle, and four regular Elite Guardsmen run in and hit you in the <eye>, the <neck>, the <throat>, and the <eye>, respectively.Ouch!

Miss Message(s):

He barks an order at you to punch yourself in the head, but you remind him that you're not actually one of his subordinates.

He calls in one of his subordinates to hit you in the <kidney>, but he misses. With a sigh, the junior officer drops to do 20 pushups.

He shouts a command to a nearby phalanx of guardsmen, but they can't hear him because they've all got headphones on. He sighs at the lack of discipline.

Fumble Message:

He blows a whistle to summon a regular Elite Guardsman, but it turns out he got it mixed up with his dog whistle, so nobody could hear it. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Meat.gifYou gain 240-360 Meat (average: 300, stdev: 24.9)*
Elitehelm.gifYou acquire an item: Knob Goblin elite helm (100% chance)*
Elitepants.gifYou acquire an item: Knob Goblin elite pants (100% chance)*
Goblinpole.gifYou acquire an item: Knob Goblin elite polearm (100% chance)*
You gain 37-38 <substat>.

Occurs at Cobb's Knob Barracks while Lucky!
