ice baby
People often wonder where ice babies come from (or from whence come ice babies, if they're extra pretentious). The abbreviated version is something like this: stork, cabbage, half-strings of DNA: ice babies. Anyway, this is a cute little replica of a frozen infant wearing a broad, friendly smile. It's almost too cold, too cold to hold, though. At least that's the word I got from your mother.
Type: off-hand item Cannot be discarded+3 Stat(s) Per Fight NOTE: This item cannot be equipped while in Hardcore. (In-game plural: ice babies) | |
Obtained From
- Items
- Melt iceberglet
- Melt ice sickle
When Squeezed
You give the ice baby a squeeze, and your body heat melts it. It refreezes into a new item as you rub your frostbitten hand.
- This is one of the four items obtainable from the iceberglet (Mr. Store item for February 2006).
- Prior to October 2, 2007, squeezing this item cost an adventure and did not do damage.
- This item was changed from +1 Stat(s) Per Fight to +3 Stat(s) Per Fight on 1/1/07 by Mr Skullhead during the radio show.
- This item's name is a reference to the song "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice, as is the line "At least that's the word I got from your mother" (or at least, word to your mother). The song also contains the lyrics "ice, ice, baby, too cold, too cold."
- This item's description refers to a classic episode of the Jick & Mr. Skullhead Show on Radio KoL. In this episode, someone asked where babies come from. Mr. Skullhead's response involved a stork and a cabbage having intimate relations, producing half-strings of DNA, and resulting in "beer babies." (listen to remix by Yiab)
- The theme song from Ghostbusters II, "On Our Own", contains the lyrics "too cold to hold."
See Also
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