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Revision as of 08:53, 8 July 2019 by KingBobson (Talk | contribs) (To be clear: the item's image doesn't actually show up when you use it. I formatted it this way on purpose, even though it looks stupid.)

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Ah, the hourglass: one of history's most ancient sand-keeping devices. If you ever need to know how much sand you've got left, this baby will definitely tell you.

(Meat Pasting component)
Type: usable
Selling Price: 600 Meat.

(In-game plural: hourglasses)
View metadata
Item number: 10264
Description ID: 598421661
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Asterisk.gif 10,000 grains of sand  
Wad.gif large pile of sand fire Asterisk.gif 100 grains of sand
Wad.gif empty hourglass small pile of sand
Equals.gif hourglass

When Used

It looks like there are X grains of sand left in this hourglass.



  • The number of grains of sand left in the hourglass are the number of seconds remaining until the next rollover.
  • This is frequently more than the number of grains you put in the hourglass while crafting it. A mystery for another day.


"10264" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.