Harold's Hammer Quest
From TheKolWiki
A man in the Sleazy Back Alley wants you to repair his favorite hammer for him.
- Adventure in the Sleazy Back Alley until you encounter Please, Hammer. Choose "Sure, I'll help." and you will acquire Harold's hammer head and Harold's hammer handle.
- Combine Harold's hammer head with Harold's hammer handle to make Harold's hammer.
- Return to the Sleazy Back Alley to encounter Don't Hurt 'Em, complete the quest, and collect your reward.
- Harold's bell
- In your quest log under completed quests you will see: "You handily helped Harold with his hammer. Hallelujah!"
- Mini-quest added on November 28, 2006.
- Until NS13 the reward was suntan lotion of moxiousness.
- The adventures Please, Hammer and Don't Hurt 'Em are references to MC Hammer's album Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em.